This Sunday was a big one for Manchester City it featured a double header of football action with both the men and women playing matches at home. Outside Etihad Stadium though there was another big event going on in Manchester and it was symbolized by the rainbow flag flying in front of the pitch. “It’s great that an internationally renowned club recognises the important part that LGBT footballers and fans play in our lives” said Manchester Pride’s Les Pratt at the flag raising.
For almost thirty years during the August bank holiday Manchester has been home to one of the United Kingdom’s largest Pride events, Manchester Pride. The event which has morphed into a ten day festival, concluded Sunday with a parade through the “gay village” of Canal Street. Manchester City had a presence in the parade as the Canal Street Blues (City’s LGBT supporter group) marched proudly and images were posted throughout City’s social media presence.

While it would have been great to have the club actually march in the event with players on hand. With the match later in the day it was understandable for no one to show, but still disappointing. Maybe next year parade goers will see their favorite stars showing their support in person.
The fact that Manchester City was so enthusiastic in their support of the event was a welcome change from last week and the revelation of Burnley striker Andre Gray’s history of homophobic behavior. English football culture has had a tenuous relationship with the LGBT community in fact when US soccer player Robbie Rogers came out as gay he stated that he never could have came out while playing in England.
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Manchester City takes a lot of flack for “ruining” English Football whether it be for the way they spend money or how they develop English talent. When it comes to social issues though it is hard to find other clubs taking the steps that City has taken. Steps such as getting more women into football and fighting homophobia in english football. Manchester City has not taken a back seat on these issues and I expect them to continue to lead the way.